Meta campaigns

Introduction to DPA

Facebook Dynamic Product Ads (DPA), are one of the most used and effective ad formats on Facebook.Sni_mek_obrazovky_2022-03-14_v_16.22.55.png

In these campaigns, as everywhere else in Dotidot, we draw on data contained in a specific feed. In this case, the base is the product catalogue. This is because it allows users to display specific products they have visited on the site in their ads, or the Facebook algorithm will come to the rescue if it thinks the user might be interested in them. DPAs are the ideal solution for e-shops and can be very effective.

To run Facebook DPA you need:

Your Facebook Business Manager account.

Implemented Facebook pixel on your website.

Product feed in Facebook format, but you can prepare this one directly in Dotidot.

There are two ways you can target these ads: 


This is targeting targeting users who have already bought something from you or viewed your products.

Remarketing has great potential to turn your existing visitors into buying customers.


This is targeting users who probably haven't heard of you, or haven't been on the site before. Starting a new business without new customers is very difficult, if not impossible, and that's exactly what prospecting is for.

In this manual we will show:

How to create a new dynamic product campaign.

How to create dynamic product campaign structure in variants - Automatic and Manual.

And we will take a look on how to set Properties.

In short, how to set up Facebook DPA from the very beginning, to the final launch that will bring you the desired results. 


To inspire you to work with Facebook in the app, we have prepared an instructional video on how to use Facebook in combination with the Image Editor:

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