Data enrichment

How to use it

Enriching the feed with marketing actions at category level:

Actions can be used at different levels. For example:

  • Action at category level
  • Category+product level actions
  • Actions at category+product level

Lets see how to work with Action at category level

  1. Create a Google Sheet
    We will use
    this one in this example.

    Which columns to use?

    - ID - Dotidot needs an ID in each resource. Here, only line numbering has been used.
    - Category - we will use this to match the action to the main feed.
    - Start of action - must be in date format - currently only the format "2021-07-28".
    - End of action - must be in date format - currently only "2021-07-28" format.

  2. Connect the Google Sheet to the main feed

    - We can connect the Google Sheet to any source (XML, CSV, GMC, GA, Scraper, different Google Sheet, ...)

    - After opening the main feed, select Google spreadsheet under Data Enrichment tab.

    - We will create a new link according to the template:Screenshot 2025-02-11 at 14.26.14.png

    - The values in the mapping must always match.

    - If the values need to be cleaned up, you can use the option "edit identifier value".

    - Next, we select the columns we want to add.

    - In the right column we ca see a preview of the values that have been merged.

  3. Use enrichment in advertising

- Variant of the ad with active action

Create the first ad with the condition "action in progress" and use the variables from the Action Add-in Sheet.

The "action in progress" condition is currently created in the following way:

- Start of action - Before - 0 days


- End of action - After - 0 days


- Ad variant without action

Then, in the same branch, create a second ad that is without the condition and does not use the variables from the action. That means, the product will pass this variant whenever it does not have an active action.

- Preview of ads

In the ad preview, it looks like this:

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