Data Sources

Data source overview

You can browse your data, using a complete list of all products the data source contains.



You can search in between your items (1.),  or use the filters to filter specific products (2.), change product preview (3.) or select our Data explorer (4.) which lets you explore details of your data source, Select dimensions and metrics to analyze data or to prepare the structure for a new campaign:


Learn more about Data explorer.





Previews of individual values is one way for you to have a good general overview. All you need to do is click the magnifying glass next to the name of the variable, and a window pops up, showing the information about that variable’s products.







Simplify actions over a data source

Above the product table, you will find the two most used functions for working with data sources, namely the ability to update the data source and create a grouped source. For other features, such as a filtered data source, see the drop-down menu.



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