Data Sources

How to upload data source

Data source is the starting point for every feed management and ppc automation. In order to create a campaign, you need a data source.

If you have your feed ready to go, you can click one of the blue 'Add source' buttons and get straight down to business.

Snímek obrazovky 2023-11-01 v 14.15.34.png

You can select the type of your new data source, we will show how to work with XML,CSV,JSON for this one.


And now let’s talk about how to upload your data source.


1.) name your feed first. 2.) Then paste the feed URL with the extension xml/csv/json. 3.) If your feed is encrypted, you can also insert the username and password so the app can read it. 4.) Finally, you also have the option to choose how the application will behave if any row in the feed is empty.



Dotidot will now import your products: 


Make sure that all your products are uploaded correctly and if the number of products is in line with the number of products in your feed.

If the data wasn’t uploaded, make sure that the source is valid. If it is but there’s still a problem of some sorts, feel free to contact our support team on email and we'll figure out a solution together. 

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